
waiting time statistics

Elective waits improve in January

The English waiting list and waiting times fell in January in better-than-expected figures. However the NHS remains in serious breach of the 18 week standard,... Watch the video


waiting time statistics

Elective waits lengthen again

Waiting times after referral have reached nine months for a diagnosis and decision, and ten months for treatment. But the experience of individual patients varies... Watch the video


waiting time statistics

Elective waits reach 40 weeks

The NHS's warning threshold for extreme long waits has become the norm.


waiting time statistics

Elective waits rise again in a wasted August

Elective waiting times lengthened beyond 18 weeks again in August, as the admission rate fell to a three year low. Annual leave is the likely... Watch the video


waiting time statistics

Elective waits settle into steady deterioration

The temporary effects of the first covid shutdown have fed through, and waiting times are now on an upward trend.


waiting time statistics

Elective waits topped 34 weeks in May

An enormous and invisible backlog is building up during covid, as referrals are delayed.


waiting time statistics

England breaches 18 weeks

If you take non-reporting Trusts into account, the English NHS probably breached 18 weeks in October - for the first time since the target was... Watch the video


waiting time statistics

England breaches 18 weeks. But in a good way.

England failed at national level to achieve the "90 per cent of admissions within 18 weeks" target. Good. It shows that hospitals are doing the... Watch the video


waiting time statistics

England in July: longer queue, longer waits

The waiting list grew, waiting times went up, and so did the risk of an 18 week national breach.


waiting time statistics

England is losing sight of its long waits

More and more waiting lists are disappearing into the 52-week-plus category.