Elective backlog grows to over 7.2 million
The October data was heavily affected by missing data, but the waiting list and waiting times continue to grow
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The October data was heavily affected by missing data, but the waiting list and waiting times continue to grow
Waiting lists and waiting times are overall still getting worse
It may be unlawful, undermines National Statistics, puts managers at risk of prosecution, and erodes public trust in the NHS
A how-to guide to the calculation, ready to update as new RTT waiting list data is released
We can estimate that over 20,000 of them have unsuspected cancer, and face a typical 10 month wait for that diagnosis
The wait for diagnosis and decision is rising much faster than the wait for treatment.
Trying to eliminate cohorts of waiting list patients is too simplistic
Growing underlying pressures are coming into conflict with the headline targets
Elective admissions rose sharply following the relaxation of covid measures, but it was not enough to stop the waiting list from growing
The number of 104 week waiters improved, but overall things are getting worse with elective waits.