Waiting list soars past 5.6 million patients
The waiting list continues to grow rapidly as demand mostly recovers but activity cannot.
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The waiting list continues to grow rapidly as demand mostly recovers but activity cannot.
Ongoing covid restrictions mean the waiting list continues to grow, with little sign of the pent-up demand coming back yet
A cancer-style referral-to-diagnosis target sounds simple. But it turns out to be a lot more complicated than splitting the RTT target.
A long wait for diagnosis means late detection of many cancers
The post covid recovery continues, and waiting time pressures are building.
Referrals are up year-on-year, for the first time since covid restrictions began. But activity is not.
The English NHS may need to increase elective activity by around 15 per cent, for most of the decade, to recover waiting times safely
The planning guidance expects covid restrictions to continue until September. What does this mean for your waiting lists and the subsequent recovery?
A technical discussion: how to convert the published RTT statistics into stage-of-treatment data that is ready for post-covid recovery planning
Waiting times across England as a whole have now breached 52 weeks. The silver lining is that, in a couple of months, the published data will be much improved: extending up to 104 weeks with mental health waits itemised.