Gooroo Research Paper: How many urgent slots?
How many appointment slots should you hold back for urgent referrals?
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How many appointment slots should you hold back for urgent referrals?
No. They just need to be GPs.
Surgical trainees aren't getting enough outpatient experience, and more training time is needed. How can this be done without further reducing outpatient productivity?
Why do hospitals breach the 18-week target? A tour of the numbers reveals a bewildering variety of reasons.
Why service innovation and detailed pathway analysis are jobs for providers, not GP Consortia.
A study of short-stay emergency admissions points to dark compromises in A&E departments.
A good report from the King's Fund says that referral management centres don't work, but review and audit of GP referral practice does.
True stories from an outpatient clinic. A deep breath. And a few suggestions.
Doctor time is more precious than ever, and it makes no sense to waste it in under-utilised clinics.
The straightforward tests for service reconfiguration are welcome. The process for applying them is not.