Shorter waits, whatever your waiting list
A new video shows how waiting times can be slashed, even if the number of patients waiting stays the same.
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A new video shows how waiting times can be slashed, even if the number of patients waiting stays the same.
What is demand? Not the same as activity, anyway. But neither is it the same as the healthcare needs of the population.
What happens to the care of urgent patients when hospitals struggle with the 18-week waiting time target?
How to fix missing and inaccurate data automatically, and ensure next year's planning is built on firm foundations.
Aside from good booking practices and cutting the number of patients waiting, there is plenty you can do to reduce disruption (and therefore waiting times) at very little cost.
What waiting time target can you achieve? It's a simple question, but it turned out to be surprisingly hard to answer.
You keep different kinds of data in different places? No problem. Gooroo Planner will put it all together for you, more powerfully than you might believe.
NHS planning is too complex, and too reliant on database queries, to be done reliably with spreadsheets.
Why turning the hospital upside-down could be the best way forward.
How boring old accountancy could save the day for Challenged Trusts.