18 week waits – current position
The England-wide picture on waiting times up to February 2011. Overall, little change since January, though the headline target was breached for the first time in over a year.
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The England-wide picture on waiting times up to February 2011. Overall, little change since January, though the headline target was breached for the first time in over a year.
If new providers "cherry-pick" profitable elective services, does that put acute services at risk?
Interactive maps showing the underlying waiting time pressures around England.
Real life happens in the consulting room, not in the office. So better commissioning needs to happen in the consulting room too.
Maps of England, showing the 18-week hotspots for each major specialty.
Want a customised report on the waiting time pressures in a particular Trust and specialty? Here they are, all based on the data published this morning.
The indicators on 18 weeks have not recovered from their December blip.
When waiting lists grow, you have a choice: carry on achieving the 18-week target, or minimise waiting times for your patients. We look at two Trusts who made different choices.
How the 18 week target had the perverse effect of making waiting times worse.
We look at the trends for some key waiting time indicators, to see if pressure is building for an 18-week blow-out. Orthopaedics is struggling, but everything else is holding on so far.