The local picture on waiting times
19/03/2012by Rob Findlay
We’ve crunched all the numbers, turned them into maps and charts… and here it is: all the local detail on 18-week waits around the English NHS.
The maps below are for all specialties combined, but if you want the specialty-level picture then you will find all the detail here for every Trust (Provider basis) and every PCT (Commissioner basis):
First, where are the long-waiters? They may have fallen to record lows nationally, but there are still Trusts with plenty of patients still waiting over a year. Click through to the map, and then click on any pin to see how the one-year and 18-week positions have changed year-on-year.

If you want to see how long people are waiting who live in your area, then the next map is for you. It’s Commissioner-based, so it relates to the population of each PCT.

What if you are an NHS manager, and want to sort out your long-waits and achieve the new “92 per cent of incomplete pathways within 18 weeks” target? The next two maps might help. Click on the pins to see how much work you would have to do a) to “chop the tail off the waiting list”, and b) an estimate of how much work it would take if you first improved patient scheduling.
First, achieving the 92 per cent target, by Trust (Provider basis):

…and by PCT (Commissioner basis):

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