Getting started with new Capacity analysis in Gooroo Planner
Gooroo Planner now includes a whole suite of detailed, visual analysis about how effectively your theatres (and clinics) are being used. But first, you need... Watch the video
Gooroo Planner now includes a whole suite of detailed, visual analysis about how effectively your theatres (and clinics) are being used. But first, you need... Watch the video
The Charts view gives you a statistical analysis of theatre and clinic usage on different days of the week. This is how it works, and... Watch the video
The Detail view lays out what happened in theatre or clinic, every minute of the day. This is how to interpret it.
The Overview is a powerful visualisation, so that you can quickly and expertly spot the opportunities to make better use of your theatres and clinics.... Watch the video
Surgical trainees aren't getting enough outpatient experience, and more training time is needed. How can this be done without further reducing outpatient productivity?
How late is a "late start" in your operating theatres? If I told you they probably cost something like £20 a minute, how late is... Watch the video
We've just had the biggest waiting list increase ever seen in the month of August. Even then, it was less than 4 per cent of... Watch the video