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What are the NHS’s objectives?

  • June 8th, 2010

  • by Rob Findlay

What are the high-level objectives of the NHS? Not the vision, not the principles, not the detailed targets, but one or more overall objectives that you can aim at and know whether you succeeded. Rob Findlay rummages through the guidance and comes back empty-handed.

The yin and yang of waiting times

  • June 1st, 2010

  • by Rob Findlay

NHS waiting times depend on yin as well as yang: the order in which patients come in, as well as the number of patients waiting. To achieve your waiting time targets, you must control both. The yang, the number waiting, is easily defined. Now we can understand the yin too.

GP commissioning

  • May 25th, 2010

  • by Rob Findlay

All GPs are commissioners, whether they think of themselves like that or not. How can they commission better? And what can their PCT do to help?

The annual planning process

  • May 18th, 2010

  • by Rob Findlay

Every year the NHS plans its future activity in great detail. And things never turn out that way. Why? And what should change?

Demand management

  • May 11th, 2010

  • by Rob Findlay

Who can manage the demand for healthcare? GPs can. But who else?

The NHS after the election

  • May 4th, 2010

  • by Rob Findlay

The General Election is upon us, and on Friday this country may have a new Government. What should the next Health Secretary do with the NHS? Rob Findlay takes a look at some of the options.