
booking patients

How hard is the new 18 week target?

The new 18 week target can be achieved. In a few places it is going to be difficult. But most of the NHS could achieve... Watch the video


booking patients

Making sense of conflicting waiting times targets

The NHS has been given conflicting waiting times targets this year. There is a solution, and it lies mainly in PCT Clusters' hands.


booking patients

Making the case for a one-year limit on waiting times

Rob Findlay and Anthony McKeever make the case for NHS trusts guaranteeing a one-year limit on referral to treatment waiting times.


booking patients

Managing patients or the target?

An obsession with percentages, instead of waiting times, shows how waiting list management revolves around the target instead of patients' needs.


booking patients

Managing split referral-to-treatment pathways

If your 18 week pathway splits, so that some patients have a diagnostic stage and some don't, then how do you manage waiting times? And... Watch the video


booking patients

Managing to the RTT target

A deeper dive into the incentives created by various elective waiting time targets, compared with patient-centred booking.


booking patients

Pausing for effect: clock pauses and waiting times targets

Clock pauses - they don't make a massive difference to waiting times. Do they? Um, perhaps you'd better sit down...


booking patients

Protecting urgent patients

Protecting urgent patients is easy if you are willing to waste some capacity. But with a little extra care, you can protect urgents and be... Watch the video


booking patients

Royal College of Surgeons calls for more flexibility on urgent patients

The Royal College of Surgeons says urgent patients aren't sufficiently protected by the 18-week and cancer waiting times targets. Their argument is a straw man.... Watch the video


booking patients

Shorter waits, whatever your waiting list

A new video shows how waiting times can be slashed, even if the number of patients waiting stays the same.