18 weeks “no longer important”?
English waiting times will continue to grow, indefinitely, until the NHS gets closer to keeping up with demand.
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English waiting times will continue to grow, indefinitely, until the NHS gets closer to keeping up with demand.
The English NHS achieved its important ambition to halve the number of one year waiters during 2018-19. However the underlying waiting list continued to grow, reaching record levels and frustrating the other main ambition for elective waits.
The English waiting list is still growing, and the admission rate still faltering, despite the promises and plans.
A better understanding of risk will underpin the case for reducing today's high bed occupancies.
Average waiting time targets will make the numbers look smaller, but that's about it. Field testing should explore other options that might actually deliver the review's aims.
In spite of record pressures on A&E waiting times, the English NHS managed to have a fairly normal January for elective care.
Are hot and cold sites the right answer? The last in a 7-part series on bed occupancy.
The differences between medicine and maternity, big units and small ones. Part 6 of a 7-part series on bed occupancy.
The Long Term Plan will be a bit hollow until other reports fill it in later this year. But it contains some tantalising hints about how things are likely to go.
They help, but only when bed occupancy is very high. Part 5 of a 7-part series on bed occupancy.