Winter hits elective waiting times
RTT waiting times shot up in December as winter started to bite. In better news, one year waits continued to fall.
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RTT waiting times shot up in December as winter started to bite. In better news, one year waits continued to fall.
Should we focus on morning discharges? Or reducing lengths of stay? Part 4 of a 7-part series on bed occupancy.
Variation during the week. Part 3 of a 7-part series on bed occupancy.
All in all, NHS Improvement have produced a helpful study of theatre productivity. As trusts begin to "work through the underlying drivers of the different types of downtime", the visualisations and analyses produced by Gooroo Planner will be invaluable.
Week by week variation. Part 2 of a 7-part series on bed occupancy.
...and start talking about the risk of running out of beds. The first in a 7-part series on bed occupancy.
The waiting list should be shrinking at this time of year, but it isn't. In better news, the number of one year waiters is coming down.
How to crank out your 2019-20 plans quickly using Gooroo Planner
The waiting list isn't shrinking much this autumn. So there is little chance of holding the waiting list steady in 2018-19, as the planning guidance intended.
In financial terms, yes. But capacity may be more difficult. The onus is now on Health Boards to come up with realistic plans that make good use of the new money available.