Covid-19 planning part 1 – the shutdown
A technical document about modelling elective shutdown during the covid-19 peak in Gooroo Planner, with a focus on scenarios for reducing elective care.
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A technical document about modelling elective shutdown during the covid-19 peak in Gooroo Planner, with a focus on scenarios for reducing elective care.
To any politician tempted to blame long RTT waits on covid-19: don't you date
Waiting times are creeping up as waiting list management processes wither
Elective waiting times jumped to 25 weeks in England, as admission rates fell unusually low even for a December.
Was the centre right to call for lower bed occupancies below 92%? Yes.
Gooroo Planner's web interface is flexible and powerful. But for regular planning updates, let the Planner API take the work off you.
Four years of waiting list growth would need to be undone to achieve the NHS Constitution standard again.
There's some pretty heavy number-crunching in the annual planning process. With fast, comprehensive planning, built-in collaboration, and expert support, Gooroo Planner is ideal for the task.
When the NHS keeps up with demand, the waiting list shrinks in the autumn. It isn't shrinking.
A deeper dive into the incentives created by various elective waiting time targets, compared with patient-centred booking.