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Waiting in Scotland and England

  • March 20th, 2013

  • by Rob Findlay

England's waiting time guarantees are more inclusive than Scotland's. Why?

How will Monitor judge waiting times performance?

  • March 15th, 2013

  • by Rob Findlay

Monitor is out to consultation. Our response explains why their approach to 18 week waits is perverse, and how to fix it.

Scotland’s Treatment Time Guarantee shows results

  • March 11th, 2013

  • by Rob Findlay

Scotland's inpatient and daycase waits, which are subject to a legally binding target, improved. Outpatient waits, which aren't, didn't.

Your 18 week waits: December 2012 data

  • February 18th, 2013

  • by Rob Findlay

Interactive maps showing where the long-wait pressures are, for NHS and IS providers and for commissioners. All updated with the latest (December 2012) data.

Putting on wait: English waiting list looking big

  • February 18th, 2013

  • by Rob Findlay

Some waiting times figures got a bit better in December, some a bit worse. But the size of the waiting list is starting to look worryingly big.

“18-weeks” penalties change again: this time it’s good

  • February 11th, 2013

  • by Rob Findlay

At last: instead of punishing hospitals for treating their long-waiters, the latest NHS Contract prevents long-wait backlogs from building up in the first place.

Commissioning Board changes “18 week wait” penalties

  • February 7th, 2013

  • by Rob Findlay

The Commissioning Board has made a small, but significant and welcome, change to the penalties for breaching 18 week waits.

Commissioning Board fumbles on waiting times

  • January 23rd, 2013

  • by Rob Findlay

The draft NHS Contract penalises hospitals who treat their long-waiters, but not if they keep them waiting. Why?

Your 18 week waits: November 2012 data

  • January 21st, 2013

  • by Rob Findlay

The local picture on 18 week and one-year waiting times, for every English provider and commissioner, updated with the latest (November 2012) data.

NHS holds the line on 18 weeks

  • January 21st, 2013

  • by Rob Findlay

Waiting times improved slightly again in England, with new record-bests for long-waiters on the waiting list.