
waiting time targets

How long does it take to do 100 minutes’ work?

There are 13,259 over-one-year waiters on the English waiting list. That's only 100 minutes' work for the NHS. Why not put an end to excessive... Watch the video


waiting time targets

How many patients choose to wait longer?

By looking at clock pauses, you can estimate how many patients choose to wait longer. Which is good to know, when you're managing a service... Watch the video


waiting time targets

How to achieve 18 weeks

Waiting time reports are being sent to English Trusts, and here we explain how they were constructed and put them into a national context.


waiting time targets

How to achieve your RTT trajectories

NHS Improvement's financial "reset" includes challenging RTT trajectories with money attached. Firefighting isn't enough - you need to plan this properly. Fortunately, Gooroo Planner takes... Watch the video


waiting time targets

How to plan against all eight RTT waiting time targets

The NHS has eight RTT waiting time targets to meet. In this year's planning round, how can you show that you'll achieve every one of... Watch the video


waiting time targets

How to target a short wait for diagnosis

A cancer-style referral-to-diagnosis target sounds simple. But it turns out to be a lot more complicated than splitting the RTT target.


waiting time targets

How will Monitor judge waiting times performance?

Monitor is out to consultation. Our response explains why their approach to 18 week waits is perverse, and how to fix it.


waiting time targets

If penalties are scrapped for RTT and cancer breaches

Have penalties been abolished for cancer and RTT waiting time breaches? Let's say they have - so what happens next?


waiting time targets

Imperial’s holiday

Imperial is taking a 'reporting break' on 18-week waiters. Bad idea.


waiting time targets

Interactive maps of English waiting lists

Where are the longest waits? What are waiting times like in your local NHS? How difficult is the new waiting time target? Here are some... Watch the video