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The contracting “must do” that you probably aren’t doing

  • October 17th, 2017

  • by Rob Findlay

The NHS has no choice about doing it. It is core to any successful contract negotiation. But there are no targets for it, budgets are not based on it, CCGs don't collect data on it, and in practice it is often ignored...

Loading the data into Gooroo Planner

  • October 12th, 2017

  • by Rob Findlay

If you're an information professional then you'll probably want to ask: How do you get data into Gooroo Planner? And how difficult is it?

Introducing the monthly RTT charts

  • September 25th, 2017

  • by Rob Findlay

Our free monthly RTT analyses are designed to reveal the story behind the waiting times, as this introduction explains.

Waiting list over 4 million for a second month

  • September 21st, 2017

  • by Rob Findlay

Waiting times remained stubbornly close to 20 weeks at the end of July, the 17th consecutive breach of the 18 week target.

Sorry, I got held up in traffic

  • September 12th, 2017

  • by Rob Findlay

Senior managers are increasingly expected to understand why performance varies, using control charts. Mike Davidge of NHS Elect explains it beautifully, using your daily commute and some real-life trust board reports.

Waiting list tops 4 million as admission rates slump

  • August 15th, 2017

  • by Rob Findlay

The waiting list has been threatening to exceed 4 million patients for a while now, and in June it finally popped over. A slump in the admission rate didn't help.

The problem with annual planning

  • August 14th, 2017

  • by Rob Findlay

In theory, the NHS has highly sophisticated processes for finance and activity planning. In practice they are rather less polished. So here are two changes that would transform planning for the better.

What’s all the fuss about control charts?

  • July 31st, 2017

  • by Rob Findlay

What is control charting? How does it differ from a straightforward chart of performance over time? Why does it make such a huge difference to management? And why does it matter now?

RTT waits better in May, but worse year on year

  • July 21st, 2017

  • by Rob Findlay

Elective waiting times improved seasonally during May, but the longer term trend remains for ever increasing waits.

Follow-up outpatients and the clinical harm of delay

  • July 6th, 2017

  • by Rob Findlay

Everybody agrees that clinical priorities should come first. Why does this principle break down when it comes to follow-up outpatients?