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RTT admission rates collapse

  • March 14th, 2018

  • by Rob Findlay

Admissions per working day fell dramatically, to the lowest January level ever recorded, as the NHS followed central guidance to shut down routine care and release beds for emergency admissions. One year waiters - a key goal for next year's plans - went up again and exceeded 2,000 for the first time since 2012.

The case for separating ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ facilities

  • March 12th, 2018

  • by Rob Findlay

There are arguments for and against splitting hot and cold facilities. How would you decide? This example from a real NHS hospital shows how careful modelling can lead to a clear recommendation.

Planning theatre and clinic capacity

  • March 5th, 2018

  • by Rob Findlay

Working out the theatre and clinic capacity you need, and making a comparison with what you have, is one of the most important calculations you will do with Gooroo Planner. But not everything about session capacity is straightforward (and you may not have all the data) so here is a guide to help you do it all.

Implementing NHS England’s further planning guidance with Gooroo Planner

  • March 1st, 2018

  • by Rob Findlay

NHS England have sent out further details about the 2018-19 planning round. Fortunately, it's easy to implement using Gooroo Planner. Here is a step-by-step guide.

Shocking deterioration in referral-to-treatment (RTT) waiting times

  • February 13th, 2018

  • by Rob Findlay

Elective RTT waiting times shot up by over a week in December, in the fastest monthly increase since 2010.

A guide to Refreshing NHS Plans

  • February 12th, 2018

  • by Rob Findlay

If you're involved in the nitty-gritty of this year's planning round, here's what you need to know about the latest planning guidance.

Upgrade to Gooroo Planner’s data handling

  • February 5th, 2018

  • by Rob Findlay

We have today released an upgrade which strengthens the processing of large data files in Gooroo Planner. Those of you who have automated your planning using the Planner API may wish to update your API client.

Preparation for GDPR – no personal data to be uploaded to Gooroo Planner from 16 February

  • January 25th, 2018

  • by Rob Findlay

From 16th February 2018 we will no longer allow any personal data (including consultants' names) to be uploaded to Gooroo Planner, although properly pseudonymised data will be permitted. This early change should minimise any disruption when GDPR comes into force on 25th May 2018.

We need to talk about referral-to-treatment waiting times

  • January 25th, 2018

  • by Rob Findlay

Referral-to-treatment waiting times were a tremendous success, but their future is now in doubt. The time has come to ask: is there a better alternative?

Waiting times steady despite slowdown in admissions

  • January 18th, 2018

  • by Rob Findlay

Yet another large trust stopped reporting its referral-to-treatment data, which clouded the picture for the latest November figures and raised non-reported waiting lists to a new record. But overall the waiting time picture was 'steady as she goes', despite continued low rates of patients being admitted from the waiting list.