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Capacity planning: beyond beds, theatres and clinics

  • December 4th, 2014

  • by Rob Findlay

You already know that Gooroo Planner works out your weekly beds, theatres and clinics. But what about endoscopy, radiology, and consultant job plans? Or getting Planner to measure your actual theatre performance, instead of doing it yourself? You can even automate it all, so that Gooroo does the hard work while you're asleep.

Scotland: long-waiting outpatients double in just 3 months

  • December 2nd, 2014

  • by Rob Findlay

Over-12-week outpatient waits doubled in Scotland in the quarter to September, according to the latest figures. Not that anyone took a blind bit of notice.

Pressure eases on English waiting times

  • November 10th, 2014

  • by Rob Findlay

Waiting times recovered surprisingly well in September, especially in Orthopaedics which has received extra attention during the national waiting list initiative. Policy makers must now decide whether to extend the amnesty on perverse targets beyond the end of November, and allow hospitals to continue treating their longest-waiting patients without restriction.

Major upgrade to Gooroo Planner: patient-level data

  • November 5th, 2014

  • by Rob Findlay

This major upgrade to Gooroo Planner makes make it much easier to create, update and automate comprehensive capacity models, especially around week-by-week planning and theatre capacity.

Elective waiting times – at QualityWatch 2014

  • October 29th, 2014

  • by Rob Findlay

The Health Foundation and Nuffield Trust kindly invited me to speak at the QualityWatch 2014 conference in London. This is what I said.

The NHS Five Year Forward View: how to model “radical new care delivery options”

  • October 23rd, 2014

  • by Rob Findlay

There are three ways to model service changes in Gooroo Planner: simplistic, simple, and comprehensive. We look at the pros and cons of each method.

New targets could lead to longer waits in mental health

  • October 17th, 2014

  • by Rob Findlay

It is good news that waiting times are being reduced for mental health. But the proposed targets for IAPT services could mean that some people wait even longer.

England’s summer waiting list initiative fails

  • October 13th, 2014

  • by Rob Findlay

The English NHS pulled out the stops in August with a major effort to clear the long-wait backlog. But it didn't work. The long waits position got significantly worse right across the board.

Hitting a wall of fines: how the perverse targets pack a bigger punch

  • September 29th, 2014

  • by Rob Findlay

The penalty for treating a long waiting patient is four times bigger than the penalty for letting them wait. But that isn't the end of the story: because of the target tolerances and how waiting times dynamics work, the perverse incentives are massively bigger than that.

Binoculars, compass, map

Capacity planning: feed-the-beast, or vital management information?

  • September 24th, 2014

  • by Rob Findlay

The annual planning round is a bit stale. By transforming planning into a continuous and live management process, we can make sure it changes real life for the better. In a speech to the Association of Professional Healthcare Analysts, I explained how this also creates an important new operational-facing role for analysts.