Recurring or non-recurring?
Is this once-off, or something we need to keep doing? It's an expensive confusion to make, but it happens up and down the NHS. Here's how Gooroo Planner makes it all absolutely clear.
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Is this once-off, or something we need to keep doing? It's an expensive confusion to make, but it happens up and down the NHS. Here's how Gooroo Planner makes it all absolutely clear.
NHS managers are used to life not being fair. But those of you who are responsible for 18 week waiting times must be feeling particularly hard done by at the moment. (First published in Roy Lilley's NHS Managers newsletter)
Long waits deteriorated across the board in December, especially in the longer-waiting services. Even so, there is a decent chance of the English NHS delivering its 18-week targets right up to the General Election.
You can already plan next year's capacity in one big lump. And you can break that plan down week by week. Now you can go even further, and model it patient by patient.
A gap has opened up on waiting times, and the Government is papering over the cracks for the Election. (First published at Roy Lilley's nhsManagers newsletter)
A massive effort at the end of England's much-extended waiting list initiative saw record admission rates and a record focus on treating long-waiters. The result? It hardly made any difference. Even so, the Government stands a reasonable chance of squeezing out a clean set of waiting times figures in the run-up to the election.
Why sanctions on the perverse admitted and non-admitted targets should be minimised in the NHS Contract, and why CCGs should be allowed more discretion over when to apply them.
NHS England clearly realise that if you punish hospitals for treating their long-waiting patients, they will be less likely to clear their backlogs for you. So why have they not carried that logic, and the Secretary of State’s clear criticism of perverse targets, over into the contract sanctions?
If your baseline's all wrong, and you don't improve your patient scheduling processes, the 'tail' on the waiting list will just grow back again. (First published at Roy Lilley's NHS Managers eNewsletter.)
October was another flop for the English national waiting list initiative, with fewer patients treated than usual and more long-waiters.