SimActive adapted, Excel less annoying
Gooroo SimActive now accepts dates in dd/mm/ccyy format, so you no longer need to force Excel to stop reformatting dates in your waiting list uploads. ccyy-mm-dd and ccyymmdd formats are fine too.
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Gooroo SimActive now accepts dates in dd/mm/ccyy format, so you no longer need to force Excel to stop reformatting dates in your waiting list uploads. ccyy-mm-dd and ccyymmdd formats are fine too.
Gooroo user groups are being set up for the East Midlands and surrounding areas, and in Scotland. If you're already using Gooroo, or thinking about it, and would like to come along, then just let us know.
The dataset generator for Gooroo Planner, created by Andy Bailey at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, is now available for free download from our website.
Interactive maps and resources with detailed analysis of the 18-week pressures by Trust and PCT, by specialty.
18-week waits continued to improve, but large reductions in long-waiters were offset by some relaxation in services that are already achieving the target.
Will the number of long-waiting patients being admitted finally fall below the General Election level? It looks like it will.
The draft NHS Mandate will drive up waiting times, undermine the NHS Constitution, and be unfair to patients. Not what was intended, obviously.
How can we make the NHS more resilient against the risk of waiting times failures?
Interactive maps and resources with detailed analysis of the 18-week pressures by Trust and PCT, by specialty.
The focus on incomplete pathways continues to deliver results, according to the April 2012 figures just released, with new records broken across all measures of long-waiters still on the list.