
waiting time targets

Bonfire of financial penalties reaches cancer and RTT standards

Financial penalties are being lifted from high-profile standards including cancer and elective waiting times, so far without attracting much attention. How is it happening? And... Watch the video


waiting time targets

Calculating waiting times

What waiting time target can you achieve? It's a simple question, but it turned out to be surprisingly hard to answer.


waiting time targets

Caveat emptor

A gap has opened up on waiting times, and the Government is papering over the cracks for the Election. (First published at Roy Lilley's nhsManagers... Watch the video


waiting time targets

CCGs should authorise ’18 weeks’ breaches

Perverse incentives on 18 week waits would be reduced if CCGs authorised breaches in advance.


waiting time targets

Commissioning Board changes “18 week wait” penalties

The Commissioning Board has made a small, but significant and welcome, change to the penalties for breaching 18 week waits.


waiting time targets

Commissioning Board fumbles on waiting times

The draft NHS Contract penalises hospitals who treat their long-waiters, but not if they keep them waiting. Why?


waiting time targets

Could Labour restore 18 week waits in a single parliamentary term?

The biggest task will be keeping up with demand. Beyond that, restoring 18 weeks in one term looks feasible.


waiting time targets

Covid-19 and RTT waiting times

An elective shutdown during the covid-19 outbreak is likely to affect the very longest waiting patients most


waiting time targets

CQC to improve RTT monitoring

The CQC are improving their 18-weeks monitoring. It still isn't perfect, but that may not be entirely their fault.


waiting time targets

Cut waiting times, breach the target

How government targets deter hospitals from cutting waiting times, and what can be done about it.