Whose fault is it that the NHS isn't delivering enough activity to keep up with demand? And what is "enough", anyway?
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Whose fault is it that the NHS isn't delivering enough activity to keep up with demand? And what is "enough", anyway?
A full draft Operational Plan by the 8th of February? Certainly, sir. Would you prefer the sums to be wrong, or the method unrealistic?
Clinical pathways don't always run in straight lines. Here is how you can model even quite complex pathways quickly and easily using Gooroo Planner.
If you take non-reporting Trusts into account, the English NHS probably breached 18 weeks in October - for the first time since the target was originally achieved in January 2012.
When you've been using Gooroo for a while, your account can get quite filled up with old datasets and reports that you don't need any more. We are consulting on proposals to automatically move items to the Trash after 2 years, and then permanently delete items that have been in the Trash for more than 3 months.
What happens when some patients bypass outpatients and are added directly onto the elective waiting list? Conversion rates don't work as straightforwardly as they should. Here's what you can do about it.
The English waiting list improved a bit in September, and by slightly more than expected, which pushes the anticipated breach of 18 weeks back into January.
We've just had the biggest waiting list increase ever seen in the month of August. Even then, it was less than 4 per cent of the number of patients treated.
Run your models from any date, to any date. Update them as often as you like. Do it all automatically... and much more, in our latest upgrade on Monday 23rd November 2015.
Predicting is a mug's game. Nevertheless, grab your calculator, and let's see if we can work out when the 18 week target is going to be breached across England.