The cost of theatres
How late is a "late start" in your operating theatres? If I told you they probably cost something like £20 a minute, how late is a "late start" now?
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How late is a "late start" in your operating theatres? If I told you they probably cost something like £20 a minute, how late is a "late start" now?
Lower costs, more activity, and less fire-fighting. That's the power of planning electives and non-electives together, to achieve access standards for both, right across the hospital.
"You have until October to clear the backlog. After that, no more breaches of the target will be tolerated." Now Gooroo Planner can achieve targets throughout a future period, not just at the end of it. It's a free upgrade, and this is how you use it.
The 18 weeks target was breached again, if you allow for non-reporting Trusts. But how was it possible for waiting times to improve slightly, when the waiting list grew, admissions were down, and less capacity was devoted to long waiters?
Gooroo Planner now includes a whole suite of detailed, visual analysis about how effectively your theatres (and clinics) are being used. But first, you need to extract a few more standard fields from your existing data sources.
The Overview is a powerful visualisation, so that you can quickly and expertly spot the opportunities to make better use of your theatres and clinics. This post helps you interpret it.
The Detail view lays out what happened in theatre or clinic, every minute of the day. This is how to interpret it.
The Charts view gives you a statistical analysis of theatre and clinic usage on different days of the week. This is how it works, and how you interpret it.
In September 2016 we are going to replace Gooroo Planner's unsupported free read-only licences with supported Standard licences. The price? Just £1,000+VAT per user per year.
Tailgating strategies powered the global financial crisis. Now the NHS is doing it too.