Winter is coming – why you need to plan for it now
Winter: season of full beds, cancelled theatre sessions, and frustrated surgeons. With a bit of careful planning, it doesn't have to be like this.
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Winter: season of full beds, cancelled theatre sessions, and frustrated surgeons. With a bit of careful planning, it doesn't have to be like this.
Usually waiting times improve in April, but this year the English NHS waited until May. It wasn't enough to achieve the target though.
Getting the elective targets right is important. But balancing activity against demand matters more.
It's a recurring problem, and it needs a recurring solution. But all that's on offer is short-term fixes.
How many patients are expected to breach the target every week? It's a good question. To answer it, you need to understand how patients are being scheduled.
The English waiting list grew more rapidly than expected in April, and it is now unlikely that the 18 week target will ever be achieved again. Unless there is a massive recurring and non-recurring effort, that is.
We are launching better analyses of your local 18 weeks pressures, to take advantage of new data, improve the analysis of medical specialties, and allow easier comparison with your previous month's waiting list.
(First published in Roy Lilley’s nhsManagers newsletter) The English NHS breached the 18-week waiting times target in March, but the bald statistics just don’t give a sense of how bad... Read more
England might breach the 18 week waiting times target again in April. After that, it might be gone for good.
It was another bad month for England's 18 week waiting times - the worst performance since the "incomplete pathways" target was introduced in 2012, powered by the largest waiting list since January 2008.