Latest developments in the Gooroo software
Latest developments: training videos, SimActive file splitter utility for Excel 2003, converting Planner reports into datasets, and a new waiting times calculation.
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Latest developments: training videos, SimActive file splitter utility for Excel 2003, converting Planner reports into datasets, and a new waiting times calculation.
Scotland does well against its two main waiting times targets. So why are outpatient waits soaring?
The Government should not tighten the 18 weeks targets. Instead, it should make them irrelevant.
Monitoring only the RTT waiting times standards can land you in trouble. Here's how to stay on track.
The waiting list grew less fast in June, helped by higher admission rates. Even though the waiting list remains very large, 18-weeks performance held steady.
All the local detail on 18 weeks by provider, commissioner and specialty, with interactive maps
We are improving the waiting times formula used throughout Gooroo, to calculate short waits more reliably.
Why does the year never turn out according to plan? And why does money always drift out of line with activity? There's something wrong with planning.
A narrow record-best on 18 weeks, slippage on one-year-waits, and a further worrying increase in the number waiting.
The local picture on one-year and 18-week waits across England, updated with the latest (May 2013) data.